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What to do before re-opening your store

As lock down measures ease, you can finally get back to face-to-face trading. But what do you need to put in place before opening your doors? Preparing for your store’s re-opening should be done sooner rather than later. Work on your plan now so you are ready to open your doors and welcome your customers back.

  • Prepare your employees - you'll need to prep your team and ensure that your shop is staffed for your re-opening. Make sure everyone understands the new working arrangements and safety measures required.

  • Get your inventory ready - physical goods are the bread and butter of any retail business, so you want your shop to be stocked with the right merchandise. Start with a stock take of current inventory.

  • Prepare necessary your equipment, supplies, and technologies - to ensure that your store runs smoothly, check phone, internet, utilities and POS. Is everything in working order for your return?

  • Implement post-COVID-19 health and safety measures - take steps to protect your staff and customers when you re-open your store. Think about how you will keep customers safe when they shop with you and what signage you will need.

  • Get the word out - finally, send out communications to your customers and update your website and social channels in order to drive awareness and traffic to your store when you re-open.

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