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What to do with your website during a crisis

With face to face trading either not possible or more difficult, your business website needs to step up. Many businesses have been thinking about adding an online shop for a while and the current crisis has created the impetus to launch into e-commerce. But even if you are not selling online, your website should still provide good information to visitors about how you are operating throughout Covid-19 and how you can help them.

In the busy day-to-day operations, a business website can be left unchanged, but if your competitors are improving their sites, you may be left behind. Your website is usually the first place a new customer will go when they are looking for your products and services. A website that is current and evolving gives your business credibility as well as providing useful information to your customers.

Start by focusing on your customer’s needs - if your website is the first and/or only place they will engage with your brand, then you want the experience to be a positive one. Review your site from your customers’ point of view. Does it provide the information they need in order to buy from you?

Use your homepage to provide up-to-date information for your customers - Let them know where you are at. Are you still operating, and how does that work for them? How can you continue to provide your products and services? Make sure you describe the steps you are taking to make sure they are safe.

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